Proven Breakthrough Team Quizzes You Will Love


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The perfect addition to a team dinner or conference breakout and a great indoor alternative to a scavenger hunt.

This interactive team building activity will entertain and amuse your guests over dinner, within conference breakouts or within any indoor setting you desire. Using pre-set popular trivia categories or customized content, teams will activate questions and fun challenges using an interactive game screen.

Teams will answer questions, complete tasks and tap into their most creative side to complete photo and video challenges to earn valuable points.

A perfect icebreaker, conference breakout or over-dinner networking activity.

Maybe one for your next holidays party?


Questions, tasks and challenges…

Work as a team in between dinner courses and mingle with your guests whilst tackling a variety of questions, trivia and team challenges.

Support, planning and event management

This Tablet Quiz is available as a Fully Managed event meaning that our dedicated and experienced team will work with you before the event, to help put together your game and can also recommend a suitable venue for the start and end of your event.

On the day, our event staff will be on hand to deliver an event briefing; offer guidance and support (but no clues!) and after the event to provide an eagerly anticipated wrap up presentation.

The perfect accompaniment to a dinner event and an ideal way to entertain guests between courses.


In-Person Events Page


Virtual Events Page